
Based just outside of Beauly in the Highlands of Scotland, I work with a variety of textiles methods. This beautiful landscape and countryside is a constant source of inspiration to my work. I have different strands to the types of textiles which I work with and so my website is organised to reflect these different strands.


The countryside is always so completely cyclic and it changes daily in different ways as the seasons flow and as the weather ebbs and flows. What I see and what I gather changes and feeds into whatever I am making. I work with botanical dyeing and printing which involves the gathering of foliage used directly onto the fabric to create imprints. I love not completely knowing what the gathered foliage is going to do until that final moment of unravelling. I love the alchemy.

My grandmother who was a compulsive embroiderer taught me embroidered stitch from an early age. I moved far away from this type of practice only to make the full circle and find myself naturally returning to stitch in the very same slow, instinctive way with that same compulsion that she had all those years ago.

From my college roots in the study of printmaking, creating an imprint has always on some level informed my textiles based work. I am most in my element; my right place when printing onto fabric and when drawing and painting with thread.

I split my time between making my own work and teaching art, design and textiles in Inverness. I am heavily committed to the exploration of the ethical issues and solutions around the textiles industry with my young learners who never fail to impress me with their energy and creativity.


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